Our story

Where do you live if you are an Aussie (Australian) and a Zimbo (Zimbabwean) with two kids? Well, in our story, somewhere totally random of course! 

Okay, so not TOTALLY random. As I had to explain to a friend, we do not do tequila shots and throw darts at a map as a way of deciding where we will live. Our travel life is thanks to Hubby’s career. His ability to work around the world has enabled us to experience living in a number of culturally diverse spaces with our boys. Our story and our years living off-the-beaten path often incur a raised eyebrow or a “Where?” when it comes up in conversation. But seriously, who could say no to the opportunity of living in countries like Laos, Madagascar, Mongolia and Russia?

Having lived on 4 continents, we are used to people asking us where we are from with confused expressions. Likely due to all of us having different accents. We are also used to people questioning our sanity and our parenting for “dragging” our kids around the world. Most people however see the benefits that living in different countries and experiencing a variety of cultures brings. If you ask our boys, they see nothing out of the ordinary or spectacular in this life we live. For them, our story is their regular life, it is all they have ever known. Personally, I love what our nomadic life has given them. Their ability to adapt to change and develop meaningful relationships in each new home country never ceases to impress me. Find out more about us here.

A door to the world

Living in these often remote and exotic places has also had a knock on effect in feeding our travel addiction and inspiring us to explore even further afield. Our eyes have been well and truly opened to just what incredible places and cultures exist in our world today. Most of the time I feel we have barely scratched the surface. If you are nervous about exploring this incredible planet or worried about not having time, we are here to show you it can be done. After all, we are already doing it.

We are also that family who take the kids EVERYWHERE! Trust me, it is not all sunshine, love hearts and roses but it is always an adventure. And with each adventure comes new knowledge or understanding. Not just about the destinations and experiences. More often than not, we learn something about ourselves and each other. Even if it is just how long we can survive being in a car together. Read up on our latest road trip through Jordan.

Fun in the Maldives

No time like now

Don’t let time, money, kids or dietary requirements (yes, we have that box ticked as well) be your “why nots”. Take the risk, at the very least, the memories will give you somewhere to go when your body will no longer take you.

Having seen so many people lock themselves away for the last few years, it is time to shake off the cobwebs and the fear and get exploring. To help encourage and motivate you to take the risk and step away from your “safe space”, we would love to share our adventures and experiences abroad. Our passion for exploring what this magnificent planet and the people on it have to offer will most certainly have you digging for that bucket-list and dusting off the passports.

What’s in it for you?

Just some of the information you will be able to garner from following our story are the “insider” tips for travelling in the countries we have lived and the myriad of destinations you can travel to with (or without) kids. We will share how we have done it and how you can do it better. AKA we already did the what not to do so you don’t have to. Use our tried and tested itineraries to plan trips and make them your own and take advantage of our tips on relocating. We will also share with you the real stuff. The problems and the very regular and mundane faces that come with this nomadic life.

Join us on our journey as we check off our ever growing list of destinations and experiences and learn more about the latest country we call home. We hope to have you plotting a travel journey all your own. 

“Regret for the things we did can be tempered by time; it is regret for the things we did not do that is inconsolable.” 

Sydney J. Harris 

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